What is CBT?
At Turning Tides Psychology, we offer Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for several different mental health difficulties. CBT is focused on problems in the present rather than working through events from the past. It is goal-orientated and problem-specific.
The C in CBT stands for Cognitive (the way we think), the B stands for Behavioural (what we do) and the T stands for Therapy (what we learn).
CBT helps people understand how thoughts, feelings and behaviours are all linked. It works on the theory that a change in one of these areas will lead to a change in them all.
For example, if a depressed person has the thought ‘I can’t do anything right’ this may lead them to feel low in mood and their behaviour may be avoidant of doing anything. This may further maintain the thought ‘I can’t do anything right’.