Body scanning
A mindful body scan involves bringing attention to any physical sensations present within your body. The idea is that you ‘scan’ your body from head to toe, and as you scan each different part of your body, you notice any physical sensations that are present. This could be a sensation of warmth, or cold, a sensation of pain or tension, or simply just the sensation of your arm touching the arm of a chair. Your therapist will guide you through this process, using prompts to guide your attention as they go through the exercise.
This practice aims to connect to your body and train your mind to be more aware of your sensory experiences. We are often so busy thinking about other things that we are oblivious to these types of sensory experiences.
Opening up to how our bodies feel can not only help us to become more present and help train our focus of attention, but it can also give us an insight into our emotional state.
For example, we often carry a lot of tension in our bodies when we feel stressed. ‘Checking in’ with your body can help you to identify this so you can then take action.