What is a phobia?
A phobia is a specific type of anxiety disorder involving an extreme or severe fear of a particular object or situation. Often even thinking about the source of a phobia is enough to make the person feel anxious, or bring on a feeling of panic.
People who experience phobias will often try to avoid the situation or object that their phobia relates to, which can become detrimental to their functioning and day-to-day lives. Sometimes avoiding the object of their phobia can become almost all-consuming, and they may base decisions around this avoidance.
The impact that a person’s phobia has on their life often depends somewhat on what the source of their phobia is, and how often they will come into contact with it.
It is estimated that up to 10 million people in the UK have a phobia, with some of the most common sources of fear being heights, spiders, snakes, and flying. Most of us will know somebody with a phobia. They can affect anyone regardless of age, sex or social background.